trazer um sopro de leveza ao meu dia a dia... Sem qualquer pretensão de ser melhor, ou pior, apenas único! Dá uma espiadinha aí abaixo :)
sexta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2014
quinta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2014
Naked Cake de Doce de Leite com Morangos
Foto Reprodução
1 xícara
de chá de manteiga sem sal
1 xícara
de chá de açúcar
5 ovos
2 xícaras
de chá de farinha de trigo
xícara de chá de amido de milho
1 colher
de chá de fermento
1 colher
de sopa de essência de baunilha
2 xícaras
de chá de açúcar de confeiteiro para polvilhar
700 gramas
de morango fresco
3 xícaras
de chá de doce de leite cremoso
Modo de preparo
Bata a
manteiga amolecida junto com o açúcar até ficar cremoso. Depois, junte os ovos
um a um sem parar de bater. Em seguida, peneire os ingredientes secos sobre a
mistura e bata novamente. E, por último, acrescente a essência de baunilha e
Coloque a mistura na forma de sua preferência e asse o bolo em forno a 180ºC,
de 30 a 40 minutos. Para montar, há duas opções: você pode assar três camadas
de 2 cm de altura ou assar um bolo alto e cortar o bolo em três camadas de 2
cm. Deixe o bolo esfriar pelo menos 6 horas antes de montá-lo.
Em uma
bandeja, coloque a primeira camada de 2 cm e cubra com doce de leite com lascas
de morango.
Coloque a segunda camada de bolo e sobre ela mais uma camada de
doce de leite com lascas de morango, e finalize com a última camada do bolo.
Com uma peneira, polvilhe açúcar de confeiteiro em cima da última camada e
coloque morangos inteiros por cima.
Hummm... Naked cake com morangos...
Nada melhor do que aproveitar o final de semana para testar esta
receita deliciosa que encontrei aqui ;)
quarta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2014
terça-feira, 28 de outubro de 2014
You & I
John Legend
You fix your make up, just so
Guess you don't know, that your beautiful
Try on every dress that you own
You were fine in my eyes, a half hour ago
If your mirror won't make it any clearer I'll
Be the one to let you know
Out of all the girls
You my one and only girl
Ain't nobody in the world tonight
All of the stars, you make them shine like they were ours
Ain't nobody in the world, but you and I
You and I
Ain't nobody in the world, but you and I
You stop the room when we walk in
Spotlights on everybody staring
Tell all of these boys, they wasting their time
Stop standing in line, cause your all mine
And this evening I, won't let the feeling die
I never wanna leave your side
Out of all the girls
You my one and only girl
Ain't nobody in the world tonight
All of the stars you make them shine like they were ours
Ain't nobody in the world, but you and I
You and I
Ain't nobody in the world
You keep wondering if you're what I'm wanting
You don't even have to try
You don't have to try
Don't try
Don't try
You don't have to try
Out of all the girls
You my one and only girl
Ain't nobody in the world tonight
All of the stars, they don't shine brighter than you are
Ain't nobody in the world, but you and I
You and I
You and I
Nobody in the world tonight
Ain't nobody in the world, but you and I
You fix your make up, just so
Guess you don't know, that your beautiful
Try on every dress that you own
You were fine in my eyes, a half hour ago
If your mirror won't make it any clearer I'll
Be the one to let you know
Out of all the girls
You my one and only girl
Ain't nobody in the world tonight
All of the stars, you make them shine like they were ours
Ain't nobody in the world, but you and I
You and I
Ain't nobody in the world, but you and I
You stop the room when we walk in
Spotlights on everybody staring
Tell all of these boys, they wasting their time
Stop standing in line, cause your all mine
And this evening I, won't let the feeling die
I never wanna leave your side
Out of all the girls
You my one and only girl
Ain't nobody in the world tonight
All of the stars you make them shine like they were ours
Ain't nobody in the world, but you and I
You and I
Ain't nobody in the world
You keep wondering if you're what I'm wanting
You don't even have to try
You don't have to try
Don't try
Don't try
You don't have to try
Out of all the girls
You my one and only girl
Ain't nobody in the world tonight
All of the stars, they don't shine brighter than you are
Ain't nobody in the world, but you and I
You and I
You and I
Nobody in the world tonight
Ain't nobody in the world, but you and I
segunda-feira, 27 de outubro de 2014
domingo, 26 de outubro de 2014
A Mão e a Luva
Eu creio
que a senhora sonha talvez demais. Sonhará uns amores de romance, quase
impossíveis? Digo-lhe que faz mal, que é melhor, muito melhor contentar-se com
a realidade; se ela não é brilhante como os sonhos, tem pelo menos a vantagem
de existir.
de Assis
sábado, 25 de outubro de 2014
quinta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2014
quarta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2014
terça-feira, 21 de outubro de 2014
segunda-feira, 20 de outubro de 2014
All your love you gave to me
Every piece of your heart you let me see
You filled my cup and I felt complete
Now you wake me up inside a bad dream
Late one night I was out drinking
Stepped inside a bar on your street and
Saw you there, what were you thinking?
Who is he and why are you dancing?
He touched you in the background
It broke me, I broke down
I didnt know love could hurt this way
I didnt know love!
I didnt know love!
He pulled you closer in the background
It broke me, I broke down
I didnt know love could hurt this way
How could you cheat on my heart?
I need to know!
Sh-sh-shivering cold, I brought you in
Said you wanted true love, you wanna to start again
I helped you fly, I set you free
Brought you back to life, how could you turn on me?
Late one night I was out drinking
Stepped inside a bar on your street and
Saw you there, what were you thinking?
Who is he and why are you dancing?
When he touched you in the background
It broke me, I broke down
I didnt know love could hurt this way
I didnt know love!
I didnt know love!
He pulled you closer, in the background
It broke me, I broke down
I didnt know love could hurt this way
How could you cheat on my heart?
I need to know!
I'm not your first, you're not my last
And though it hurts, I know that it will pass
I'm not your first, you're not my last
And though it hurts, I know that it will pass
When he touched you, in the background
It broke me, I broke down
I didn't know love could hurt this way
I didn't know love!
He pulled you closer, in the background
It broke me, I broke down
I didn't know love could hurt this way
How could you cheat on my heart?
I need to know!
All your love you gave to me
Every piece of your heart you let me see
You filled my cup and I felt complete
Now you wake me up inside a bad dream
Late one night I was out drinking
Stepped inside a bar on your street and
Saw you there, what were you thinking?
Who is he and why are you dancing?
He touched you in the background
It broke me, I broke down
I didnt know love could hurt this way
I didnt know love!
I didnt know love!
He pulled you closer in the background
It broke me, I broke down
I didnt know love could hurt this way
How could you cheat on my heart?
I need to know!
Sh-sh-shivering cold, I brought you in
Said you wanted true love, you wanna to start again
I helped you fly, I set you free
Brought you back to life, how could you turn on me?
Late one night I was out drinking
Stepped inside a bar on your street and
Saw you there, what were you thinking?
Who is he and why are you dancing?
When he touched you in the background
It broke me, I broke down
I didnt know love could hurt this way
I didnt know love!
I didnt know love!
He pulled you closer, in the background
It broke me, I broke down
I didnt know love could hurt this way
How could you cheat on my heart?
I need to know!
I'm not your first, you're not my last
And though it hurts, I know that it will pass
I'm not your first, you're not my last
And though it hurts, I know that it will pass
When he touched you, in the background
It broke me, I broke down
I didn't know love could hurt this way
I didn't know love!
He pulled you closer, in the background
It broke me, I broke down
I didn't know love could hurt this way
How could you cheat on my heart?
I need to know!
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